
Wednesday, July 24 • 09:30 - 10:30
Gina Chinn
Gina has had an interest in fitness since childhood and after a long and difficult personal season found yoga. She has discovered how to truly love herself and others through a Christ focused practice. Her passion is to share God's love with others so they can find freedom and balance in their lives. She completed her RYT-200 in 2020 and the next year continued RYT300 level one yoga therapy certification. She also has training for yoga nidra and through Veteran's Yoga Project Resilient MIndfulness to help those dealing with PTSD. She is also a group fitness instructor who teaches a wide variety of ages and styles. Gina's favorite style of yoga is Yin because it keeps one flexible and stills the mind. She also enjoys strength based yoga and a long savasana with meditation. She aims to be love and light to all she meets and to help them do the same. Gina's favorite place is home with her husband of 25 years, but she also loves traveling and experiencing new adventures.


A meditative, healing practice using passive, long-held floor poses. Yin yoga bypasses the muscles and allows you to nourish and strengthen the deeper tissues. Connective tissues, fascia, joints, ligaments, and bones receive gentle, low load stress. The poses are held between 2-5 minutes and the muscles stay passive in order to pass the stress on to the deeper tissues. Each pose is an opportunity to go inward and find an appropriate balance of effort and ease. It is a wonderful complement to an active (Yang) practice and a much needed tool for anyone who needs to unwind a tight body, mind, or heart.

Open to all skill levels.