DOC- stadhouderskade - Friday morning waves
7 February 2025 •
09:45 - 11:15
DOC centrum, stadhouderskade 89, Feestzaal

Mirjam van Hasselt
"Where movement tastes as freedom"
Mirjam van Hasselt is a certified 5Rhythms teacher in waves (2011) and Heartbeat (2015) and Yoga teacher (2020)
She is teaching a blend of 5Rhythms movement classes, yoga and chakra workshops.
Her love for outdoor movement and nature lands in dancing outdoors and on the beach, but also in walking and moment journeys in the desert and on the "waddeneilanden"
She has a particular love for the chakra's. Where she combines the wisdom of the chakras with movement and yoga.
We dance a full body and mind workout following the 5Rhythms
Every week in DOC feestzaal, stadhouderskade 89, Amsterdam
Free your dance in the flow
Express your heart in the beat
Free your mind
Lift your spirit and find the stillness within
Single class €20,=
4 Classes €67,50
10 Classes €160
Every week in DOC feestzaal, stadhouderskade 89, Amsterdam
Free your dance in the flow
Express your heart in the beat
Free your mind
Lift your spirit and find the stillness within
Single class €20,=
4 Classes €67,50
10 Classes €160