Relax yoga Ukrainian community (English)
Donderdag, 22 augustus • 12:30 - 13:45
Ananda Yoga, Boomberglaan 18, Hilversum, Sharanam zaal (downstairs)
Ruth Creten
Relax yoga for the Ukrainian community (English)

Just Feel / відчувати!
In this class we go from movement to stillness. We want to stop our thinking mind, and feel our body! відчувати! Through simple Qigong movements we release tension and blockages from our body and mind. We take the energy away from our thinking mind by moving in a gentle Vinyasa flow. We rest and restore in a restorative yoga pose. There is no need to understand/speak English. We keep it simple and move together. Interested? You are welcome to join us and come to Ananda Yoga. More information by Ruth: or: 06-11290118.