Studio Special: Sound Journey Flow & Yoga Nidra Geannuleerd

Vrijdag, 16 februari • 19:00 - 21:30
Stephanie Temple


This session is cancelled because Koen is ill unfortunately. We rescheduled it to March 9th; be welcome to book then!

On this special Friday evening, you will be guided into a deeply relaxing flow of movement and sound by Stephanie Temple and Koen Dekkers. Yoga Nidra is a form of guided sleep meditation where you will be guided into a state of deep relaxation. It is said that thirty minutes of depth in yoga nidra is said to be equivalent to a few hours of deep sleep. Experience the magic of movement and meditation with live sounds of violin and a variety of soundhealing instruments to assist you deeper into connection with your divine self. Let your worries and stress drift by as you experience the bliss of connection.