Yoga in the park (English)
Zondag, 30 oktober • 10:00 - 11:00
Bethlehempark, Judeaweg, Maastricht
Stephanie Temple
The last one for this year! Yoga in the park.
Wintertime starts this Sunday, but it still feels like summer… so let’s celebrate that with yoga in the park again.
There is nothing like doing yoga under the blue sky. The park is very quiet and there is lots of space! And trees for shade when needed.
The entrance of the park is on the crossing of Judeaweg and Masadastraat. There is a Jan Linders there where you can park; with the bike you can bike into the park.
With bad weather, the class will be replaced to the studio. You will get an email of this at least an hour in advance.
Don’t forget that you can sleep an hour longer as wintertime is in!!