Terms & Conditions of Ashtanga Yoga ROOM Amsterdam

Terms and Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions have been prepared for membership, classes and events at ASHTANGA YOGA ROOM AMSTERDAM.
THE STUDIO – Terms & Conditions of Use

1 interpretation and variation
In the Terms & Conditions the following definitions apply: 
Member/Studio User means any person that has signed a Registration Form or ticked the Waiver box online which has been accepted by the Company. 
Registration Form means the registration & application form signed by each Member. 
Terms & Conditions as defined here.
Website means www.ashtangayogaroomamsterdam.com or affiliated websites.
 The Terms & Conditions are incorporated into the Registration Form & online booking system.
The Company reserves the right to review, change or revoke any of the Terms & Conditions from time to time which it may consider necessary or suitable for the regulation of the governance of the Studio & the conduct of Members. Any such changes will be published on our websites &, until revoked, are binding on Members.
The Terms & Conditions shall be governed by the laws of The Netherlands & subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dutch courts.

2 membership / studio user
Subject to condition 2.2, when a person has signed a Registration Form or ticked the terms & conditions online they shall become a Member of the Studio or a studio user.
 Acceptance of a person as a Member or a studio user is at the discretion of the Company.
 The Company reserves the right to withdraw, suspend or refuse to renew the membership of any Member or User whose conduct is, or may deemed to be in the Company’s reasonable opinion, injurious to the character of the Studio or amounts to a breach of the Terms & Conditions or where such expulsion is otherwise to be in the interests of the other Members of the Studio. Any Member so expelled shall forfeit all privileges to membership & shall not be entitled to any refund for any period during which his membership is suspended.
The Studio may run promotional introductory offers from time to time. These offers are exclusively for new students who are not already registered (Members/Users) with the Studio & are not for repeat use.

3 studio opening times
Details of class times at the Studio may vary from time to time. Class times will be published by the Studio on our Website. Studios are open 15 minutes before and after class.

4 payment terms
 Details of class prices, class card prices and memberships are available on our website(s) and our booking system or shall be such prices as determined by the Company from time to time.
 Payments for classes at the Studio do not entitle you to attend classes of any other yoga Studio other than those operated by this Company (in the event that they are available).
 Subject to any statutory right of cancellation, payments for classes, class card fees, monthly subscription fees & annual payments are made non-refundable unless otherwise stated in the Terms & Conditions.
 Workshops, Retreats & Programs at Ashtanga Yoga Room Amsterdam are refundable with certain conditions.
Full refund: cancellations made up to 31 days prior to the workshop date
50% refund: cancellations made between 30-14 days prior to the workshop date due to unforeseen circumstances (exceptions made for certain medical/personal circumstances at The Company’s discretion).
No refund: cancellations made between 13-0 days prior to the workshop date.

5 monthly autopay
The provisions of this clause 4 shall only apply to Members that subscribe to Mysore unlimited and Mysore light membership by monthly (Subscription).
 Members shall be given no less than 30 days’ written notice of any increase in their Subscription (unless otherwise agreed in their contract)
A Member may cancel their Subscription at any time by written request to info@tinarumyoga.com, giving a 1 month notice before the next renewal date. As stated on the contract.
 Members agree & acknowledge that by agreeing to the Minimum Subscription period of one month, they are being given preferential rates by the Company & therefore it is fair & reasonable that the Company charges them for any payments as described & referred to above.
 Members who do not wish to accept a change proposed by the Company to the Terms & Conditions or to pay an increase in any Subscription fees may cancel their Subscription by giving written notice to the Studio. The notice must be given before or within 30 days after the change to the Terms & Conditions or increase in subscription fees takes effect & must expire at the end of the relevant calendar month. The Member giving notice must continue to pay subscriptions at the current rate immediately prior to any proposed increase until the end of such notice period.

6 occasional photography & recordings for social media
Studio will on occasion take snapshots and short video clips of the classes in a subtle manner. Unless explicitly requested otherwise, studio reserves the right to use all the images and video materials taken during classes for its promotional purpose on social media solely.

7 personal belongings
Personal belongings are brought into the Studio premises at the Member’s risk & the Company does not accept liability for any loss or damage whatever to such items. For security reasons Members are advised to place personal belongings in the lockers provided & not leave them in the changing rooms/bathroom area.

8 bookings
 Early Cancelations– If you cancel more than 2 hours before the start of class no fee is applied. This allows waitlist students to be contacted & join the class.
Late Cancellations– If you cancel within 2 hours of the class start time. If you have a class pass, you will lose a class.
A ‘No Show’ (Failure to turn up for a class at all without prior cancellation) will incur the following:
Drop in students: If you have pre-paid for your class you will lose the class you have paid for.
 Class pack students: If you do not show up for a booked class you will lose the class you have paid for. 
Unlimited Members: no penalty, but after 3 no-shows you will get an email reminder and suspension of your membership for 1 week.
Our Online Booking Facilities & Rules are as follows:

• Classes can be booked online up to 31 days in advance.

• When classes have reached their online booking capacity you can add yourself to the waitlist.

• If you are on the waitlist you will automatically be allocated a space in the class once a spot becomes available

• Our booking system will email you a notification.

• You will not be charged the No- Show fee if you are added from a waitlist into the class & you do not cancel.

9 use of facilities
A Member is entitled to use the Studio’s facilities during scheduled class times providing always that the Studio may at any time withdraw all or part of its facilities for any period or periods & with notice, where practicable, in connection with any leaning, repair, alteration or maintenance work or for reasons beyond the control of the Studio or the Company.
 Ashtanga Yoga Room Amsterdam uses the facilities of third party (Bluebirds Yoga studio), with conditions of fair and proper use. Please keep in mind and behave like a good host and leave space in a clean and nice conditions upon your departure.
9.3. Member will use the studio space only during the hours of classes specified on the schedule at www.ashtangayogaroomamsterdam.com

10 fitness & health
Members are advised not to undertake strenuous physical activities without first seeking medical advice if they have concerns over their physical condition. The Studio reserves the right to refuse access to any Member if, in its absolute discretion, it considers that the health of the individual concerned may be endangered by the use of such facilities.
Members with the following conditions should consult a doctor: low/high blood pressure & cardiac irregularities. If there is any doubt, the Member should consult his doctor. Members & their guests must notify the Studio of any circumstances affecting their health which may be exacerbated through continued use of the Studio.
 Members are required to follow the instructions of the teacher at all times.

11 dress & footwear
Members are requested to wear a form or dress appropriate to the practice of Yoga classes. Footwear should be removed on entry to the studio’s.

12 safety & hygiene
Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the studio. Pleases avoid using spray deodorants, hairspray’s etc, to avoid bothering fellow students.
 In the event of a fire, Members are asked to make their way to the nearest available exit.
12.3 For Hygiene reasons, please use changing- and shower-rooms to change and a quick rinse. Pleases avoid using spray deodorants, hairspray’s etc, to avoid bothering fellow students.

13 general guidelines
Members must at all times observe the Studio guidelines which may be notified to them from time to time & are requested to comply with any reasonable directions which the management of the Studio may issue to ensure the smooth operation of the Studio for the convenience of all Members.
Members are required to give written notice to the Company of any change of address, email or contact number. Failing such notice, all communications shall be assumed to have been received by the Member within 5 days of mailing to the last address notified to the Company.
The Company reserves the right to refuse admission to the Studio.
 The Company may, if a Member so wishes, communicate with the Member by email. By providing an email address to the Company the Member consents to receiving email communications from the Company, including notices pursuant to the Terms & Conditions. The Member also accepts any risk that email may not be a fully secure & confidential means of communication. The Company will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of communicating with a Member in this manner.
13.5 Studio facilities are provided for use immediately before and after class. Showers are provided for quick rinses after class. Studio’s are open half hour before and half hour after class. Students are always welcome to wait in the tea lounge, within opening hours op the studio.

14 limitation of liability
The Company cannot be held responsible for any service or equipment not being available for whatever reason. The Company reserves the right to make alterations to the types of facilities provided, without notice & in its absolute discretion.  The Company shall not be liable for any loss occasioned by such alterations except in so far as loss is by law incapable of exclusion.
It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that they are capable of undergoing a routine of exercises provided by any program that they follow or class that they attend. Members accept the risk of injury from performing exercises & are advised to consult their doctor prior to beginning any program or class. The Company accepts no liability for loss or damage to property or injury of Members or their guests to them on the Studio premises or outside the Studio except in so far as such loss, damage, or injury is by law incapable of exclusion.

15. return / refund policy
Cancellations within 2 hours before class will not be refunded.
Cancellations prior to 2 hours will receive a credit towards a future class based on availability & similar cost.
15.3 Cancellations of workshops, events and training programs are specified in Terms & Conditions under clause 4.4

16. privacy & security policy
Your personally identifiable information is kept secure. Only authorized staff, agents & contractors (who have agreed to keep information secure & confidential) have access to this information. All emails & newsletters from our sites allow you to opt out of further mailings.