The Yoga of Food & Body Respect

Thursday, November 30 • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Aimee Echo


Join us for a unique fusion of Yoga Therapy and Intuitive Eating principles in this immersive 8-week workshop - The Yoga of Food and Body Respect - utilizing āsana, breath work, meditation and Yoga philosophy as tools specifically focused on healing your relationship with food and your body.

✨What to Expect:

-Individual Session: Aimee will meet privately with each participant before the start of the workshop to discuss their personal history and needs.
Please enroll by Sept. 15th, 2023 to book your private session.

- Nervous System Regulation: Each session will begin with a gentle physical practice crafted to reduce anxiety and get you grounded in your body.

-Body Awareness: In these practices there will be a focus on developing trust and awareness of our body’s needs and cues.

- Emotional Freedom: Each session includes Yoga philosophy, discussions and coaching to help uncover the underlying causes of emotional attachment to certain ways of eating and exercising and the accompanying shame and guilt when we are unable to stick to those ways.

- Gentle Nutrition: Through a Yogic lens, we will focus on intentional eating practices that are the key step to develop the ability to eat intuitively and nourish your body in a way that feels joyful and balanced.

- Self-Acceptance: Through these balancing yoga practices, guided meditations, discussions and coaching, you will develop self care and respect in your relationship with your body.

- Community and Support: Let’s do this together! We will have an optional WhatsApp group to encourage community and support in between sessions.

📅 Workshop Schedule:
8 Thursdays @ 5:30pm-7pm
September 28th - November 16th