Cacao and Yin Yoga Workshop - with Emily
Sunday, 22 September • 11:00 - 13:00
Josie Field
In this workshop we will  be combining the heart opening, Amazonian medicine of Cacao with a specially selected heart opening yoga flow, intention setting, multiple pranayama practices, and finishing off with a relaxing meditation.

Expect a warm cup of cacao, a distinctly bitter, chocolatey drink served with a pinch of cayenne pepper, cinnamon and rose - honey will be available for those who need it.

Cacao ceremonies are an ancient practice that help us to connect back into ourselves. I have found that combining cacao with yoga heightens the effects of both practices and helps bring us to a blissful, open space where we can access our bodies subtle inner messages.

I will be bringing in my experiences & teachings from Central America to open the space and serve the Cacao in a traditional way. Then I’ll be leading us through a yoga sequence I’ve put together to amplify the effects of cacao, allowing us to go into a deep meditative state.

On a physical level, Cacao helps the body release dopamine & endorphins, putting us into a naturally blissful state. It increases heart rate and blood flow helping get oxygen flowing round the body giving us a natural energy boost similar to caffeine. Cacao is also considered a superfood, rich in many essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron & zinc.

What you need to know before the workshop:
- Cacao is a diuretic so please bring plenty of water with you and hydrate throughout the day after our workshop
- Please do not eat at least 1 hour before the workshop, and please eat a light, whole food breakfast if you choose to eat in the morning
- You may like to bring a journal to jot things down throughout the workshop or to reflect afterwards.

Teas will be provided after the event and I am available if you have any questions or would just like a chat