Pilates (EN)
Dinsdag, 1 augustus • 18:00 - 19:00
Bodhi Centrum
Cristiane Zuconelli
I am Cristiane Zuconelli, a yogi with a Brazilian accent who moved to the Netherlands to do a PhD in Biochemistry at Radboud University. Besides being a researcher, I am passionate and amazed by the art and science of yoga. The yoga practice has been an essential part of my journey for the past 12 years; it has given me insights that profoundly changed how I see and experience life. For me, yoga is meditation in motion to still and experience the now. I would love to share these insights with you in my classes. I am glad that in addition to several yoga courses (Kundalini, Yin, Hatha and Vinyasa) I am also trained to be a Pilates and Fitness instructor. As a result, I developed a deep understanding of healthy posture and functional anatomy. Using this knowledge, I encourage you to move consciously, with attention and confidence in your body. Hope to see you soon on the mat!
English spoken