Slow Flow and Restore
Thursday, August 22 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
6 Browallia Place, Port Macquarie
Kassie Doughty
I am inspired to help people live a connected life. I believe the best place to begin is your breath. Connecting with your breath, brings you home to your body and the present moment.
Reset the nervous system with slow mindful movements. The pace of the class allows for individualised attention, catering to all abilities. The class finishes with restorative poses, props are placed to allow the body to experience a gentle unfolding, encouraging the body back to balance. 
Class includes pranayama (breathwork) and guided relaxation.

The class is held at 6 Browallia Place Port Macquarie. You can park in the front carpark or on the street. From the front of the block, you will see a sign that says Dr Stuart Kennedy, walk around to the left of the building, you will find the yoga studio at the back.