Restorative Yoga Class
Friday, October 11 • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
6 Browallia Place, Port Macquarie
Kassie Doughty
I am inspired to help people live a connected life. I believe the best place to begin is your breath. Connecting with your breath, brings you home to your body and the present moment.
This class will include restorative poses, pranayama (breathwork), meditation and relaxation. Restorative poses are held for 3-5 minutes, with props placed to allow the body to experience a gentle unfolding. The breath is used as a tool to bring prana/ lifeforce/ energy, to areas of the body through intention. We round off our practice with Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation) to instill deep restoration in body and mind. All abilities welcome.
Join me to experience the healing benefits of this class, all abilities welcome.
All props provided however you are welcome to BYO mat, blanket, bolster, blocks if you have your own.