Morning Glow Hatha Flow
Thursday, November 23 • 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Centro La Paz, LLC, Upstairs room
Barbara Crudeli
Born in Italy, moved to PR when I was seven, started practicing yoga in 2001. In 2011 did my ashtanga teacher training to deepen my yoga practice, moved to France and ended up living there for 10 years and teaching yoga. In 2021 I moved back to the tropics because that's where my heart belongs.
In this 60-minute class we will cover our body, mind, and soul with our own natural makeup through our light and grant ourselves vibrant and stimulating energy we need to blossom throughout the day.

This class will begin with breath (pranayama) and end with breath (pranayama) as we go through a series of asanas (poses) we will focus on our breath, our form, and our mind. This morning flow will start off gentle and build up from deep stretching a flow sequence, balancing, and endurance and ending with a cool down and start your day off right. It’s the perfect combination of stretching, endurance, and strengthening to set you up for a successful day!