Gentle Flow

Sunday, January 21 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Centro La Paz, LLC
Nicole Mcintyre
Born and raised in New Jersey, I found yoga around ten years ago and it transformed my life. I traveled to India to complete my 200 hour YTT in Rishikesh, learning new levels of Hatha and Ashtanga asanas. As I continue to deepen my practice, yoga coexists with all other aspects of my life. We become aware that yoga is a way of living, beyond our practice on the mat. Through using the tools of asana, meditation, pranayama, mantra we are able to connect with ourselves on a deeper level. We store a lot of emotions within our physical body. In asana, we physically move energy around in the body. This can help us release built up emotion and avoid stagnation. As a yoga guide, my intention is to hold space for everyone on their journey. Each class is there for us to connect our mind, body, spirit. Asana is a moving meditation, I hope to create that comfort and peace within. Even though we are all on our own paths it is beautiful to come together and practice the oneness of yoga. The energy we give to others is what we receive!


A class formed with intention to connect our breath with our postures. We will start by gently waking up the body. Gradually building up some heat, then moving into restorative asanas that we will stay in for longer, focusing on our breath. Allowing ourselves to find comfort within the discomfort. As we move into each pose, we will use our breath to sink deeper. Bringing awareness to where the mind goes, knowing that we just have to bring our attention back to the breath. Class will end with a final resting pose, savasana, where you can relax and melt into your mat. Giving ourselves the chance to open up, expand, and still the mind.

Love & Light