Virtual Intuitive Morning Flow Cancelled

Saturday, July 13 • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Liz Ridgely
Liz’s teachings are inspired by mother nature, the divine feminine and the wisdom of the body. Her sequences and meditations guide students to step out of the thinking space and instead observe sensations. Through asana, meditation and self inquiry we can learn to listen to our inner knowing and connect with the energy that brings us all together. Her hope is to share the ancient teachings of yoga in a way that allows practitioners to honor their body and live from a heart centered space.


This yoga class is for someone interested in exploring choice with their movement. Class offers guided yet intuitive movement with options, choice and space for empowerment. Our sequences are based in “vinyasa” style, which includes Sun Salutations, functional movement, and invites participants to experiment with accessing their breath to inspire their movement choices.