Women's Winter Retreat Day
Sunday, July 21 • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
India Wallace
India Wallace has a “Meditation Teachers” certificate from The Gawler Foundation and has led “Learn to Meditate” at Buddha House and Cancer Care Centre. As a practicing Buddhist she has been meditating for 19 years and offers practical advice to motivate you and begin your own Meditation Journey.
When was the last time you truly indulged in self-care, immersed yourself in nature, connected with like-minded women, and prioritised nurturing yourself?

This retreat day offers all that and more. It's a day dedicated to rest, reflection, restoration, and rejuvenation.

Nestled in the serene surroundings of SPRINGWOOD STUDIO, amidst ancient gums and rolling hills, it provides the perfect setting for relaxation and introspection.

The day begins with a women's circle, followed by a leisurely walk around Springwood (weather permitting). Next, immerse yourself in a 90-minute restorative yoga session led, while I prepare a delectable vegetarian lunch (or vegan, if preferred!).

Following lunch, SA Artist Nicole Semmens guides you through an art class, exploring still life with charcoal. Discover your artistic prowess as you craft your own masterpiece to cherish.

The day concludes with a tranquil meditation session, allowing you to depart feeling refreshed and renewed.

These retreat days are designed to replenish your spirit and nourish your soul.

I'm eager to pamper you as you truly deserve it!