Yoga flow
Friday, May 3 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Alison Tuck
Alison has been teaching yoga for over 10 years and has many skills, including being a safe space holding facilitator. She enjoys holding space for both women and men, this includes ceremonies, circles, healing and spiritual educational events and one to one mentoring. She enjoys sharing her plethora of wisdom and knowledge with others, often channelling messages directly from her spirit team, non physical guides and galactic council. She specializes in shadow work, archetypal behavior, divine masculine and divine feminine, shiva and shakti energy.
Each yoga flow is themed around the current energy, taking into consideration moon cycles, portals, planetary shifts and movements. There will often be a collective message that is brought into the intention of the class, this is based on the collective consciousness and what we are being encouraged to look at and heal, these themes will be woven beautifully into each practice.

This constant fluctuation in energy means that no two classes are ever the same. There will be emphasis on healing and understanding the relationship with the inner masculine and inner feminine aspects of creation that reside within us, shiva and shakti. This focus encourages you to create a harmonious dance of inner peace, harmony, balance and union between these two often opposing internal structures Ida and Pingala.