Hatha Flow Yoga
Sunday, April 21 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Alison Tuck
Alison has been teaching yoga for over 10 years and has many skills, including being a safe space holding facilitator. She enjoys holding space for both women and men, this includes ceremonies, circles, healing and spiritual educational events and one to one mentoring. She enjoys sharing her plethora of wisdom and knowledge with others, often channelling messages directly from her spirit team, non physical guides and galactic council. She specializes in shadow work, archetypal behavior, divine masculine and divine feminine, shiva and shakti energy.
We will be combining traditional Hatha Yoga movement with sound healing, breathwork, mantra & guided meditation.

Join us on a journey of self-love, releasing tension, calming our nervous system, balancing our energy centers, expanding our awareness and improving flexibility, respiration & blood circulation.

Free your mind. Heal your body. Feed your soul.

See you on the mat.