Wednesday, April 10 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Evelyn Green
After many years practicing and studying Yoga, Evelyn was introduced to the ancient Chinese practice of Qigong and began practicing Yuan Gong Qigong in 2014. Within a short time she began to experience the healing and transformative effects of a Qigong regular practice. In 2016 she attended her first retreat with Yuan Tze, the creator of Yuan Gong Qigong and decided to embark upon the Teacher Training programme and began teaching the same year. Evelyn has taught regular Yuan Gong Qigong classes and workshops and continues to study and attend retreats with Yuan Tze in person and online. Evelyn also facilitates group Sound Bath sessions and individual Sound Healing Therapy with Himalayan Sound Bowls and complimentary instruments. She began her training in January 2023 and travelled to Nepal for further study in June 2023.
Qigong is an ancient self-healing practice that blends mindful movement, breath, visualisation and meditation to activate and cultivate Qi (life force energy) in the body. It aims to improve and maintain overall health and vitality. Qigong can calm the mind, reduce stress, improve flexibility, strength and general well being.