Vinyasa Yoga
Monday, July 15 • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Rachael Eavan
Meet Rachael, a dedicated yoga teacher from Ireland. Her yoga journey began while living in the UK, where she immersed herself in regular yin yoga classes at her local studio. Already passionate about meditation, Rachael was attending a Samatha meditation course at her local Buddhist meditation centre when she began noticing the profound connection between yoga and the deepening of her meditation practice. Driven by her love for Indian cuisine, a fascination with The Beatles, and a desire to explore yoga's roots, Rachael ventured to Rishikesh, India, the birthplace of yoga. There she spent two months studying yoga. First completing her yoga teacher training, studying Hatha, Ashtanga, Pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy and then a second month working as a teaching assistant at her yoga school. Rachael is committed to preserving yoga's authenticity through teaching. In her sessions, you can expect mantras, guided meditations, pranayama, nuggets of philosophy and a sprinkle of Irish charm.
keep the energy flowing as you transition smoothly from one pose to another. with each movement, feel your body and mind coming together in harmony. you will leave this class feeling strong, centered, and ready to take on anything.

Meet Rachael, a yoga instructor from Ireland, who developed her skills in the uk and Rishikesh, India. delving into various yoga practices and emphasizing authenticity, she incorporates mantras, meditation, and philosophy into her classes.