Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Sunday, August 18 • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Alison Tuck
Alison has been teaching yoga for over 10 years and has many skills, including being a safe space holding facilitator. She enjoys holding space for both women and men, this includes ceremonies, circles, healing and spiritual educational events and one to one mentoring. She enjoys sharing her plethora of wisdom and knowledge with others, often channelling messages directly from her spirit team, non physical guides and galactic council. She specializes in shadow work, archetypal behavior, divine masculine and divine feminine, shiva and shakti energy.
A cacao ceremony is a sacred gathering where we will consume ceremonial-grade cacao. Our cacao ceremonies will be safe spaces where we will combine meditation, intention-setting, and spiritual practices. It’s used to open the heart, enhance emotional clarity, and connect with one's inner self.


- Promotes emotional release and healing
- Enhances creativity and intuition
- Encourages deep meditation and spiritual connection
- Provides a sense of community and shared experience
- Can improve mood and boost energy levels

Our Sacred Cacao Ceremony is led by a rotating team of dedicated wellness practitioners. Each facilitator brings their unique expertise in yoga, meditation, and spiritual practices, ensuring a rich and diverse experience. Trained by esteemed teachers worldwide, they are committed to creating a safe, transformative space for all participants. Whether you're new to these practices or an experienced practitioner, our facilitators will guide you in connecting with your inner self and opening your heart.