General terms of Heather Winer Yoga, LLC

Cancelation policy

Group Classes
Absence from class is non-refundable. Please cancel 24 hours prior to class start time for a class credit or refund. Wait Lists exist for most classes and will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Life happens, if an emergency comes up, please communicate to

Private Yoga
Absence from a private session is non-refundable. Please give 24 hours’ notice if you need to reschedule or cancel. Life happens, if an emergency comes up, please communicate to

Workshops & Events
Absence from a workshop or special event is non-refundable. Please cancel 24 hours prior to start time for a credit. Life happens, if an emergency comes up, please communicate to

Cancellation by Studio
If a class or event has fewer than three students, Heather Winer Yoga reserves the right to cancel the class. Classes, Privates, Workshops, and Events could occasionally need to be canceled or rescheduled. In the event of a cancellation, you will be notified by email or phone and will receive a full refund or full credit.