Lomma - Warm Yin Väntelista
Söndag, 15 september •
18:15 - 19:30
Lomma, Strandv 89
Åsa Marsal
Åsa är utbildad yogalärare inom ett flertal former som Poweryoga, Astangayoga, Yinyoga, Gravidyoga samt Förälder-bebisyoga och har jobbat som instruktör inom träning sedan 1992. Hennes passion för yoga och den österländska filosofin sammanflätas med den västerländska medicinen genom hennes bakgrund som anestesisjuksköterska. I mötet mellan dessa världar skapar Åsa klasser som känns välgörande för både kropp och sinne. ”I varje klass jag undervisar vill jag att du som deltagare ska känna dig trygg och nöjd med vad din kropp kan utföra. Vi är så olika och det viktigaste är att möta yogan utifrån personliga förutsättningar och dagsform - då uppstår kärlek.”
- WARM approx. 32 C
- All levels
- English
- Intensity - Low
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced practice that targets the deep connective tissues, such as ligaments, joints, and fascia. Poses are held for an extended period, typically ranging from 3 to 5 minutes or more. The emphasis is on finding stillness and surrendering into the poses to allow gentle tension and compression of the tissues. Yin Yoga cultivates mindfulness, flexibility, and an opportunity for deep introspection. Physical effects: targets the connective tissues, promoting flexibility, joint health, and improved circulation. Energetic effects: focuses on stimulating the flow of energy (known as prana or chi) through the body's meridian lines, promoting balance and harmony.
🧡 Cancellation takes place 8 hours before class.
🧡 Bring your own yoga mat and towel, or rent at the reception.
- All levels
- English
- Intensity - Low
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced practice that targets the deep connective tissues, such as ligaments, joints, and fascia. Poses are held for an extended period, typically ranging from 3 to 5 minutes or more. The emphasis is on finding stillness and surrendering into the poses to allow gentle tension and compression of the tissues. Yin Yoga cultivates mindfulness, flexibility, and an opportunity for deep introspection. Physical effects: targets the connective tissues, promoting flexibility, joint health, and improved circulation. Energetic effects: focuses on stimulating the flow of energy (known as prana or chi) through the body's meridian lines, promoting balance and harmony.
🧡 Cancellation takes place 8 hours before class.
🧡 Bring your own yoga mat and towel, or rent at the reception.