Finding Practical Joy With Your Family at Home

Friday, July 19 • 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM


With summer in full swing, routines and schedules often change due to activities, vacations, and visitors. Amidst the chaos, it can be challenging to find joy at home. Even if you don’t have little ones at home, this session will help you discover how to find a better balance with your relationship with joy.

In this session, Amy Hager, partner-in-joy at the Joyful Business Revolution™, will guide you through a practical exercise that thousands of women have used to bring more joy into their daily lives. This exercise offers a visual tool to help you choose joy every day, in a natural and practical way.

Expect laughter, awareness, and friendship throughout the session. If you’re unsure if this session is right for you, feel free to reach out to Amy at for a chat.

The session is based on a chapter from the book Practical Joy. Owning the book is not required, but signed copies will be available for $20.