Rock Sequence & Sound Bath
Saturday, 29 June • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Love Yoga Ltd
Oliver Richard
Oliver Richard has been teaching yoga since 2018, and practising since 2014. He began his journey at Love Yoga in Sarah Durney’s Mysore room, furthering this in 2017 upon travelling to India for the first time to study with Bharat Shetty of Indea Yoga. His Tuesday evening Mysore class is a perfect complement to Charlie’s morning sessions, with a large overlap between their teaching. This evening slot allows yogis a chance to practice later in the day if they can’t manage the earlier times, and is an inclusive room where all styles of yogic asana are welcome, as well as meditation and pranayama. Oliver is always keen to focus on the parallels between modern science and ancient yogic philosophy, as they both attempt to make sense of what it means to be human. Further, he has a special passion for pranayama and its many effects on the practitioner. Much of this stems from his first class degree in Neuroscience with Psychology from Aberdeen University, 2011.
When Oliver started practising yoga in 2014 he noticed something: the majority of the postures he encountered favoured those with a bit of flexibility. For yogis like him, who were extremely rigid but strong, it seemed like everything was going to be a great challenge, even just touching the toes! Over the years, Oliver joked that he would one day invent a series for people like him: strong but inflexible. He would call it Rock Sequence (as he felt he was carved from stone in many postures), and fill it with poses that favoured strength.

After ten years of practising and six of teaching, Oliver has finally put himself to the task of creating such a sequence. Join him on 29.6.24 for the first ever Rock Sequence class. This event is as much a test as anything else, as Oliver tries out his first version of the sequence. Over the years he has opened up a bit, and so this version will be different from whatever he would’ve done a few years ago, but ultimately it will have the same spirit.

Everyone is welcome to try out how they may fare with Rock Sequence. All that is asked is this: Expect challenges! Expect the unexpected! Expect to work hard! You don’t need to have an advanced asana practice at attend but you may have to be comfortable sitting out of a few things. The class will open with a strong sequence of pranayama, followed by a potentially gruelling flow of postures, finished with a long shavasana and electric guitar soundbath.