🌳 🌳 🌳 Women's Yoga Circle (Iffley Private Studio)
Tuesday, 13 December • 19:30 - 20:45
Sara Barker
Women’s Health, Pregnancy, Post-natal and Baby specialist. Trained in Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Yoga and Pilates, with over 30 years experience. Fully insured.
This is a semi-private session – 5 spots only! A restorative and gentle yoga flow, including postures, relaxation and breath work. Beginners are very welcome, and more experienced yoga practitioners will find a deeply restorative and supportive practice.

We will come together as women of all ages and stages, to create a beautiful yoga circle to strengthen, stretch and soothe. As a semi-private session you will get lots of individual attention, and hands-on adjustments (with consent and where appropriate).

Suitable for all women and teens of any size, shape and ability, including post-natal, pregnant (from Week 14), perimenopausal and menopausal. This is an inclusive, supportive and non-judgemental space.

PLEASE NOTE FOR PREGNANT ATTENDEES: this session is a very safe and helpful for pregnancy and you are very welcome to attend. The Monday night classes are solely for pregnancy and are more focused in that way. If you are having any pregnancy complications please let us know and we can discuss the suitability of classes. You may be able to do some or all of the class, as yoga is very adaptable! Please make sure you have medical clearance for attending classes if needed.

Private classes are also available (please book a 1-hour private session).

Session led by Sara Barker, Women’s Health, Pregnancy, Post-natal and Baby specialist. Trained in Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Yoga and Pilates, with over 30 years experience. Fully insured.

All other details provided on booking.