Astrology Yoga - Virgo Season
Sunday, September 1 • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
The Wellbeing Hub
Michelle Lang
My aim is to hold space for you to come home to yourself, whether you're attending a yoga class, shamanic healing session or shamanic circle. I offer friendly diverse and inclusive yoga classes.
Virgo is the season of harvest and it takes us through the transition from Summer to Autumn.
It's a yin earth sign ruled by fast moving mercury. Although Earth, its is mutable, meaning that it's more dynamic than the other Earth Signs. The yin energy of Virgo calls us back home to ourselves, back into our bodies. It helps us to separate the grain from the chaff in our lives and explore where we can create space for something new.

During this 60 minute practice, we will work with the archetype of the harvest maiden with a grounding vinyasa practice and pranayama that will help us to look at what needs to be harvested for the year and what we need to release. The intention is to create space for in our physical and energetic bodies.