Yin Yoga 院ヨガ

Wednesday, 26 April • 19:15 - 20:30
MMJ Studio
Sam サミ Seghers
Now in my 10th year of teaching, I know the importance of staying safe in each pose. Using this, and the 'every body can do yoga' concept, as the foundation of my teaching I offer variations as well as the time and space in each pose to explore the best way for you to do each pose. Allowing for individual and daily differences, I hope all my classes will feel confident in any class to adjust their own pose, or even opt out as necessary. Yoga is about learning to live in your body, while building its strength, resilience, flexibility and immune function. Every body is different, so learn the best way for you to live in your body.


Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga poses are held for up to 5 minutes, stretching the fascia, the wrap-like material, around each muscle. Using blocks, bolsters and blankets to make sure we are comfortably uncomfortable, the focus is on releasing any tight areas in this fascia along the meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
These classes are great for people who have been stiff for a long time and have some experience with yoga.