Ishvara Pranidhana (A Gentle & Mixed-Level Class)

Hannelore Moebius

January 9 2024 • Duration: 1 Hour, 6 Minutes

Ishvara Pranidhana means surrender to God, Ishvara.

Only after the body, mind, and speech have been cleansed by Tapas, and self-understanding attained by Svadhyaya, we are prepared to surrender to God. So, we renounce the fruits of our actions and surrender our ego’s attachments. When living with Ishvara Pranidhana, we merge and become one with the light, are happy to be of service, and seeing the Devine in all beings.

Practice for today’s ‘Gentle-mixed Yoga class’:
* Centering, breathing, IAOAUM, Reflections on Ishvara Pranidhana
*Facial massage to ears, scalp, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, chest, belly.
* Seated pelvic tilts, twists, neck stretches, lateral upper body stretches, hip-stretch (cradle leg for ‘rock the baby’), ankle circles, short foot massage
* Hip-walk, Seated Twist, Forward-bend, Table to Down-Dog, Forward-bend to swing-up, Mountain, Moon
* Standing Squat variations, gentle forward-bend, Ganesha Mudra,
* Warrior I, Vajra Pradhana Mudra, Triangle variations (gentle class, please leave the balance out!)
* Shoulder-stand, personal stretch, Relaxation
Feeling all aspects of ourselves, whole and complete, feel gratitude for the past year of practice, sending light out. OM, OM, OM Namaste!