Workshop Yoga for the Spine & Contact Improvisation (day 1)

Saturday, 17 September • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
HYM Certified Instructor .


First Part of the workshop we will focus on the work of the spine, strengthening and dissolving tensions through a fluid and organic yoga, which includes awareness of the breath, the participation of energy points and in particular on the principle of the wave and the energy element of water.
In yoga, our "life tree", is the spine and everything connected to it plays a fundamental role. The spine is the basic support of our organic and energetic body and is the seat of the Indian philosophy of the main energy points, the 7 chakras. In yoga, by moving the spine we stimulate the energy points, reactivating the whole organism and its vital functions. The work on the spine affects the body, mind and spirit as well as being a cure-all for back pains that can afflict people.

Conducted by:
Fabrizio Varriale
performer, choreographer, Yoga teacher, Shiatsu Operator

The second part of the workshop will focus on Contact Improvisation and partnering elements.
Through this class we will provide the participants with the basic elements to rediscover the freedom of movement and establish a conscious and responsible relationship through the contact with the other.
We will follow some principles such as:
- discovery of one's own weight and the weight of the partner(s)
- take possession of your own feelings
- perception of the body in space
- play with the rhythm and sense of time and finally creation of choreographic dynamics in improvisation and composition

Conducted by
Chiara Alborino
performer, choreographer, trainer.
Assistant Simona Coscia