Yoga Backbend w/ Cynthia

Wednesday, 31 July • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
3/F, 19 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay
Nightglow Studio


Yoga backbend focus on spine movement to expand your chest and front body muscles while compressing and engaging the muscles of the lower and middle back. Back bending practice could open up your front body and improve your hip joint flexibility, and the mobility of your spine. Forward bending practices would also be included as a balanced extension of your front and back body.
後彎瑜伽是一種利用脊骨的活動性,擴展胸部和身體前方肌肉,鍛煉背部的肌肉。後彎練習有助伸展身體前方肌肉,改善寒背、髖關節的靈活性和脊骨的靈活性。 課堂亦會有前彎練習。