Moonportal Chakra Workshop

Saturday, 5 October • 18:00 - 19:00
Quinn Churchill


Join us for a transformative workshop where you'll learn to tune into the magic of the Sacral chakra with compassion for your body.

What You Can Expect:
*Guided Sacral Chakra Focused Movement
*Understand the Sacral Chakras Role in your Body
*Identify & Bring Flow to Stuck Energy
*Sacral chakra Breath Work and Meditation

The Sacral chakra is the 2nd chakra.
In sanskrit the sacral chakra, svadhisthana and translates to 'the dwelling place of the self'
Just above the root chakra, the sacral chakra as the water element is the chakra that nourishes our soils and allows for us to feel deeply nourishing feelings of pleasure, creation, joy.

For tickets, please use the Eventbrite link below.

With intention,