You can book this class from Saturday, 12 October
Saturday, 26 October • 13:45 - 14:45
FLAGEY: Rue de Digue 10, 3d floor. Ring the bell Rythme downstairs, Rythme
Katya V
Meet Katya, the energetic force behind PRAKTIKA! Katya’s passion for movement and nutrition began in her teenage years. She explored various yoga styles, from the calming Hatha to the dynamic Vinyasa. And yes, she’s also a Pilates fan! In 2019, Katya embarked on her teaching journey, earning her certifications as a Yoga Alliance teacher and an advanced Pilates Mat instructor through Corpus Studios™. In 2023, she became a Certified Health Coach and joined the Ukrainian Association of Health Coaches. With a holistic view of health, Katya enjoys bringing a playful element to her coaching and teaching. She challenges her clients with engaging workouts, helps them find balance in their nutrition, and encourages mindful movement that strengthens the body and soothes the mind. Never stop learning, being curious and having fun, – these qualities are at the core of Katya’s approach to life, an approach that she also brings to her profession. Over the years, PRAKTIKA has grown into a vibrant community, providing inspiration and positive energy. Whether you’re a seasoned wellness enthusiast or just starting your journey toward a healthier lifestyle, you’ll find a welcoming space here!
Pilates Mat: Foundation
Languages: English + Français

This class offers a well-rounded workout grounded in the six key Pilates principles: Breath, Concentration, Control, Precision, Centre and Flow. Using a variety of props will keep this routine exciting and allow you to explore the classical exercises more deeply.

Following Joseph Pilates' classical routine with a touch of physio techniques, you'll flow through gentle, mindful movements designed to build core strength, improve posture, and enhance flexibility.

With regular practice, you’ll feel more connected to your body, manage stress with ease, and help prevent injuries before they happen. This low-impact, progressive workout will leave you feeling energized, balanced, and empowered!

Who is this class designed for?
Pilates Foundation class is perfect for those new to Pilates or who have taken fewer than 10 classes. It’s also ideal for seniors, postnatal women, and Pilates enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of the core principles or seeking a softer practice.

Don't forget your mat ;-)

* Payement for Flagey classes is done in cash at the location.

FR :

Ce cours propose un entraînement complet basé sur les six principes clés de la méthode Pilates : Respiration, Concentration, Centrage, Contrôle, Précision, Fluidité. En suivant la routine classique de Joseph Pilates avec une touche de techniques physiologiques, vous passerez par des mouvements doux et attentifs conçus pour renforcer le core, les muscles profonds, améliorer la posture et la flexibilité.

L'utilisation d'une variété d'accessoires gardera cette routine amusante et vous permettra d'explorer plus profondément les exercices classiques.

Avec une pratique régulière, ce cours vous aidera à vous reconnecter avec votre corps et à éviter les blessures avant qu'elles ne se manifestent. Cet entraînement progressif à impact modéré vous offrira énergie et équilibre!

À qui s'adresse ce cours ?
Le cours Pilates Foundation est parfait pour les personnes qui découvrent le Pilates ou qui ont suivi moins de 10 cours. Il est également idéal pour les seniors, les femmes en période postnatale et les adeptes du Pilates qui souhaitent approfondir leur compréhension des principes de base et qui recherchent une pratique plus douce.

N'oubliez pas votre tapis ;-)

* Le paiement des cours de Flagey se fait en espèces sur place.