Hatha - Sofie (Online) Online

Tuesday, 16 July • 20:15 - 21:30
Saja Teacher


Hatha Yoga is balancing body and mind through postures and stretching. You learn to control your body and breathing through physical exercises. (HA = Sun, THA = Moon, which refers to the balance between opposites) It describes the male and female energy in the body and, as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes it, the vital life energy (prana) and the mental energy (manas) . Imbalance in these polar energies can cause discomfort or illness in the body and, for example, stress and burnout. The goal of hatha yoga is to bring balance to this.
Hatha yoga is a physical variant of yoga that mainly consists of the practice of postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama). A short meditation is often held at the beginning of the classes because it is an important means for many yogis to feel the unity of body and mind.
Hatha yoga also has a few series, of which the Sun Salutation is the best known. These are applied in Saja Yoga during a Hatha class.
A Hatha class is an ideal way to relax or to reduce stress and to make the body stronger or looser. In addition, the techniques are also credited with a beneficial effect on the nervous system, glands and other important organs, and a relaxation of the body generally occurs. The purpose of hatha yoga is therefore mainly to promote health and well-being.