SPECIAL CLASS Sound Bath by Anna (Saja Loft Herent)

Wednesday, 4 October • 20:00 - 21:00
Schoonzichtlaan 43, 3020 Herent, Saja Yoga Loft Herent
Saja Teacher


For who?
For absolutely everybody who want to experience sound immersion. You don’t have to have any experience.

How will we do it?
We will start with gentle yoga worm up, but we will practise a lot only one asana- savasana.
Your main task will be to build the most comfortable laying position that your body will enjoy during next 1h. We will provide pillows, blankets, bolsters, blocks, eye masks to help you relax and immerse in sound experience even deeper. We will be surrounded with gentle incense smell and aromatic oils and candles*

You will be immersed in sound of Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls and bells around 45 min. During this time your only task will be: do absolutely nothing, release tension, let go all thoughts, focus your attention inwards and fully dive in relaxation and connect with yourself.

*Let us know in advance if you are allergic for any aromatic oil, candles, incense or if there are any contradiction related to your health condition that we should be aware off.

What to bring:
We will provide all necessary probes to support your savasana, but if you prefer to be wrapped in your favourite blanket or lay down on your favourite pillow feel free to bring it with you.

What is Sound Bath and how it works?
Sound bath it’s a union of science (quantum physic) and spirituality.
Sounds vibration can directly influence vibration of the cells in our body. Vibration can travel via your skin, tissues, bones, and nervous system, ultimately reaching all the way to your inner cells! This flow enhances relaxation process. We are turning off sympathetic (“fight-or-flight” ) nervous system and switch to para – sympathetic (“rest and digest”) nervous system. We can increase self – awareness, calm down thoughts, release tension or even experience deeper meditation process.
You can also just chill out -in your own way- surrounded into vibrating tones. During sound bath session you will be gently immersed in Tibetan bowls and crystal bowls sounds, with full body relaxation experience, but within your own cosy comfort zone.

It can happen that you fall asleep during session- it’ s natural and it’s totally fine. If your body need it, let it be! Even when you fall asleep, your subconscious mind is listening, and your body still experience vibration effect. Nevertheless, we suggest you trying, to stay relaxed but aware- to deepen impression and relaxation process.

What it does for your body?
Shift from activity, anxiety to stillness and calmness mode.
Relax and let go.
Deepen meditation state
Bring mental and emotional release.
Bring energy centers of the body back into balance.

If you are curious to experience sound traveling through your body
this session is for you.

This will take place in Saja Yoga Loft Herent. This is our second location outside the city, in the middle of an oasis of peace.
Here you can go for series of classes, workshops, training and our Special Yoga or consciousness experiences in addition to our classic range of classes at Saja Yoga Studio in the heart of Leuven.