You can book this class from 25 September 2025 12:00 am
Sunrise Vinyāsa
9 October 2025 •
6:00 am - 7:00 am

Freya Bruce
Open level, suitable for beginners to the more experienced yogi.
Begin your day with a sunrise flow, a mindful practice designed to wake up your body and mind, and set you up to enter your day feeling calm, connected and spacious.
Vinyāsa simply means to place in a particular way. Throughout this class we will move through a thoughtful series of asāna (postures), prāṇāyāma
(breathing techniques) and mindful exercises in order to create space, strength and equilibrium from the inside out.
This class draws from both our solar and lunar offerings.
Begin your day with a sunrise flow, a mindful practice designed to wake up your body and mind, and set you up to enter your day feeling calm, connected and spacious.
Vinyāsa simply means to place in a particular way. Throughout this class we will move through a thoughtful series of asāna (postures), prāṇāyāma
(breathing techniques) and mindful exercises in order to create space, strength and equilibrium from the inside out.
This class draws from both our solar and lunar offerings.