Tune Into Yourself - Chakra Balancing Wellbeing Day
Sunday, 21 November • 10:00 - 15:00
Joanna Fazzani
Want to dive deeper into your own energetic wellbeing? Exploring the Chakras through yoga and sound practices is the way to go. This day will comprise of three distinct sessions; a morning yoga flow class designed to connect to your body, breath and mind and begin to build your awareness of your energy centres. The afternoon yin yoga practice will be soft, slow and gentle, exploring how sound can connect you more deeply to your inner being while in long-held poses. We will end the day with Yoga Nidra. You will leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and energised.

How the day will look:
10am Arrive for a 10.15am start.
10.15am - 12pm Chakra Flow yoga
12pm Break for lunch (bring your own).
12.30pm Yin and Sound Bath (a session taught jointly by Joanna and Kalie).
1.45pm Tea & Cake (bring a mug. Teas and cake provided).
2.15pm Chakra Balancing Yoga Nidra & Meditation.
3pm Float off home.

Please bring your own yoga equipment and props, including: mat, bolster, blocks/bricks, eye pillow, strap, blanket(s). Message me if you need to borrow anything such as a bolster. Don't forget your lunch and a mug. Wear warm layers especially as there'll be a lot of floor time.

Here's a little bit about Kalie:
Kalie is a highly intuitive Healing Practitioner, Meditation Teacher and Psychic Medium based in South East London, where she facilitates a range of wellbeing workshops and events. Her classes are centred around self-development and relaxation, with a particular focus on improving mental health. Kalie has been a qualified Sound Therapist for the last six years and more recently achieved her Gong Master Qualification. She loves working intuitively with a range of instruments and being able to help people find inner peace and guidance through her sessions.