Yin Yang 陰陽瑜伽
Tuesday, August 2 • 18:00 - 19:00
Sarah Wong
The door to traditional Hatha yoga was opened to Sarah in 2015 and since then she got hooked to the sense of tranquility, balance and pleasure yoga has brought her. “Balance and stillness is the purpose of practice. Wisdom and passion is the purpose of life. It’s what yoga has been teaching me.” Yoga is a self-discovery journey. Sarah believes yoga suits everybody. By learning to turn inward, we could reach a bigger world. Our life could significantly change.  She is humble to welcome everyone to her yoga class, especially the ones who think they are not born for yoga. Sarah got RYT200 certified at Chiangmai, Thailand in 2019 and completed further teaching training programs including Yoga Wheel For Backbend, Functional Yoga (chronic pain & yoga injury) and Meridian Yin Yoga afterwards. 傳統哈達瑜伽大門於 2015 年向 Sarah 打開了,自此她被這古老之道帶來的平靜、安穩和喜樂所吸引。 「平穩和恬靜是練習所求;睿智和熱枕是生命所追。這是瑜伽一直教導我的事。」 瑜伽是一個自我探索的旅程,適用於每一位。學習往內看,我們才有機會到達更廣大的世界,生命方有另一種可能。 她誠懇邀請各位一同練習帶主題的瑜伽課,尤其認為自己與瑜伽緣份未到的朋友。 Sarah 於 2019 年在泰國清邁獲取 200 小時瑜伽導師資格,其後持續進修,課程包括:瑜伽輪與後彎、功能瑜伽(慢性痛症與瑜伽傷患)和中醫經絡陰瑜伽。
Booking for all classes will open 7 days prior to the class start time and will close 2 hour prior to class.
所有課堂的預訂將在課程開始時間前 7 天開放,並將在課堂開始前 2 小時關閉。

Cancellation must be made 24 hours before the class start time via online booking system or the mobile application without incurring a fee or suspension of the booking privilege.

PLEASE NOTE we do not accept email, WhatsApp or phone cancellations.

We reserve the right of changing instructors or cancelling group classes due to internal reasons or not meeting the minimum sign ups in each class.