Hatha Yoga 哈達瑜伽
Thursday, September 19 • 19:15 - 20:15
Marah Arcilla
Marah dedicates her teaching to guide students with clarity, purpose and intent in their practise. Rather than focusing on the physicality and showmanship of complex poses, her teaching is thoughtfully themed with planned progressions and fundamental anatomical knowledge. With a deep reverence for the principles and philosophy of yoga, Marah’s yoga practise and teaching is rooted in humbleness, open-mindedness and integrity. She is grateful to her teacher, Carlos Pomeda for this. Her classes demand students to move intelligently from one pose to the next with mental discipline so that the quality of the practice can have a positive influence on the practical elements of the students’ daily lives. At this phase in her teaching, she truly enjoys the intimacy of having a smaller group to teach. She still values the connection that arises from community building through hatha yoga practice. For this, she is excited to join Sow Yoga.
Booking for all classes will open 7 days prior to the class start time and will close 2 hour prior to class.
所有課堂的預訂將在課程開始時間前 7 天開放,並將在課堂開始前 2 小時關閉。

Cancellation must be made 24 hours before the class start time via online booking system or the mobile application without incurring a fee or suspension of the booking privilege.

PLEASE NOTE we do not accept email, WhatsApp or phone cancellations.

We reserve the right of changing instructors or cancelling group classes due to internal reasons or not meeting the minimum sign ups in each class.