Stretch & Relaxation 舒緩伸展
Saturday, September 21 • 14:15 - 15:15
Barbara Fung
Barbara started her yoga journey in 2009 practicing Anusara Therapeutics with Amy Ippolti in Thailand.  She is a 200h RYT teacher trained in Alignment Yoga with Patrick Creelman, and is also trained in Kids Yoga with Jenny Smith, and Prenatal Yoga with Jennifer More. Dedicated to the study of alignment practice aiming at pain-free yoga, Barbara immersed herself in Iyengar Yoga with Fraq and Corine Biria in Paris every summer since 2017.  She uses the practice and philosophy of ancient teachings of yoga to create her own methodology that uplifts students' mind and ability. With over 10 years of teaching and body mapping with athletes, mothers-to-be, and kids, Barbara understands very well different body types and she loves to challenge her students in a joyful manner in her class.  She doesn't expect perfection but she wants her students to do their best in a self-loving environment.  She wants students to fill joy mentally and physically after every class.
Booking for all classes will open 7 days prior to the class start time and will close 2 hour prior to class.
所有課堂的預訂將在課程開始時間前 7 天開放,並將在課堂開始前 2 小時關閉。

Cancellation must be made 24 hours before the class start time via online booking system or the mobile application without incurring a fee or suspension of the booking privilege.

PLEASE NOTE we do not accept email, WhatsApp or phone cancellations.

We reserve the right of changing instructors or cancelling group classes due to internal reasons or not meeting the minimum sign ups in each class.