General terms of Studio 108

By registering on the Studio 108 booking system you are agreeing to our General Terms and to our Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy
Studio 108 Privacy Policy – June 2020

Studio 108 takes the security and privacy of our customers very seriously. This Privacy Policy is designed to provide you with important information about Studio 108's use of personal data as required by the EU GDPR.

Your Personal Data
Studio 108 stores the following information about its members
Information that you provide during any voluntary or mandatory registration process (such as first and last name, email address, phone number, geographic location), when you call or email us or when you use our services will be stored by Studio 108 via our online booking software (Momoyoga).

Information about your class attendance and membership status.

Payment information that you provide to us through our booking system Momoyoga or otherwise when you purchase some of our products or services, including credit card data.

Any billing address or credit card information will be stored via our secure Payment Platform Provider, Paypal.

Your IP Address (will be recorded by our web server when you use our website).

How Personal Data May be Used
Studio 108 uses data to identify trends in popularity of our classes and membership levels.

We may use this data to offer you special offers via email if you have actively opted in to receive email notifications.

Your preferences and use of email updates, recorded by emails we send you.

Personal Data and Third Parties
Studio 108 does not and will not ever share or sell your data to any third party.

As a Studio 108 member you have the right to withdraw consent for Studio 108 to hold your membership data by cancelling your membership.

Studio 108 does not collect data on members or potential members from any third parties.

We will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless disclosure is either necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, authorised or required by law, reasonably necessary to enforce the law or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity.

Security and Privacy of Your Personal Data
We employ reasonable technical, administrative and physical safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information.

Studio 108 does not have access or visibility of any financial account information that you provide via our Momoyoga Online booking system.

In order to effectively process credit or debit card transactions it may be necessary for the bank or card processing agency to verify your personal details for authorisation outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Such information will not be transferred out of the EEA for any other purpose.

You can read our online booking system’s Privacy Policy here:

You can read our payment platforms’ Privacy Policy here:

You can read our payment platforms’ Privacy Policy here:

Joining Studio 108
By registering with Studio 108 via our online booking system Momoyoga you are agreeing to Rosieglo Yoga holding personal data about you via our online booking system.

By entering into this agreement, you agree to receive email notifications confirming information on your purchases, bookings, class reminders, pass expirations and cancellations.

When you register at Studio 108, you may opt out of our update emails at any time by unsubscribing to any of the emails you receive.

Studio 108's Website Use of Cookies
Recorded data which allows our website to recognise you and your preferred settings (cookies), preventing you from needing to provide information on subsequent visits to the site. Your browser can be programmed to warn you before downloading cookies, information regarding this may be found in your browser’s ‘help’ facility.

Any personal data we collect from our website will be used in accordance with EU GDPR and all other applicable laws.

We use technologies, such as cookies, to customise content and advertising, to provide social media features and to analyse traffic to the site. We also share information about your use of our site with our trusted social media, advertising and analytics partners such as Facebook, Instagram and Google Analytics.

Studio 108’s Communications
We occasionally send emails with special offers, updates, event invitations and more in addition to occasional emails tailored to your interests/visit history. We do our utmost to ensure these updates are relevant and we are mindful to not spam your inbox.

Keeping your data safe
We keep all our active members data securely through our online booking system (Momoyoga). You may request to deactivate your account at anytime by contacting us at .

Notification of Changes
We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently. If we decide to change this privacy statement in any material way, we will notify you here and by email so our members are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it.

Please contact Studio 108 at any time if you have any concerns about the use of your data or would like more information regarding our Privacy Policy.

Studio 108 prices, terms and conditions are subject to change.

Payments & Bookings
Advance class bookings and Flexipass purchases should be completed online using Momoyoga, accessible through the Studio 108 website here: .

In order to guarantee class space, a complete advance booking must be made, including online payment or selecting to pay in correct cash value at the studio if this option is available.

Registration details provided must be correct and complete.

Attending Class
Please arrive 10 minutes before the start time of your first class to allow time for completion.
Students should try to arrive at least five minutes prior to the beginning of class. Latecomers will not always be permitted.
Students who arrive late for a class for which they have registered will not be issued a refund for that class.
Prior to the start of class, students are required to inform the instructor of any issues or relevant physical issues.
All students who attend class agree to abide by the studio etiquette as follows:
- No phones in the studio
- No shoes to be worn in the studio
- All bags are to be left in the cloakroom
- Any health tracker wrist watches must be set to silent
- Students agree to clean the mat and any props they used at the end of class. Appropriate cleaning fluid is provided at the studio

Online Usage Policy
The information provided on the Studio 108 website is for educational purposes only. By using the website you are participating at your own risk. Please work with care and intelligence. You are free to take breaks and/or omit poses or sequences that are not suitable for you.
Make sure you practise with enough free space around you. Wear comfortable clothing so you can move freely.
Before any workout or yoga class you should warm up properly and cool down afterwards to avoid an injury. Please take responsibility for your own body and include extra warm up and cool down stretches where appropriate.
You should avoid alcohol and drugs before yoga and meditation. Also no heavy meals for two hours before practice. Keep yourself hydrated before and after your yoga practice.
If you feel dizzy, light-headed, faint, or if you experience any other discomfort, stop exercising immediately and consult a medical doctor. You are responsible for your condition during your practice. Exercise within your limits. Never force or strain. Seek attention and advice as appropriate.

Health Disclaimer

We want you to enjoy your class provided by Studio 108. It’s important that you take responsibility for your own practise by acknowledging and respecting your own physical limitations.

If you have any concerns about your physical health, you should seek advice from your doctor or health care provider before beginning any of the classes available.
Studio 108 is not a medical organization and its teachers cannot provide medical advice or diagnosis.
The practice of yoga asanas requires you – the practitioner – to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal physical limitations.
The techniques and suggestions presented in this website are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice.
Studio 108 assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques.
You acknowledge and agree that all classes are carried out at your election and at your own risk. You agree and understand that physical exercise involves strenuous physical activity and that such activity may carry a risk of injury, and that it is your responsibility to assess your physical and mental capability for such activities.
You hereby expressly waive and release any claim that you may have at any time for injury of any kind against Studio 108, or any person or entity involved with Studio 108.

Class Cancellation
Registration in a given class may only be cancelled and/or changed if the cancellation/change is completed a minimum of 5 hours prior to the beginning of that class. Cancellations and changes should be completed through Studio 108 Online system.
Cancellations or class changes made less than 5 hours prior to the beginning of class are invalid and students will be charged full price for any registered classes that they miss or fail to cancel within the required time.
On occasion, teachers may be substituted at short notice; in such cases the cancellation policy still applies.

Risk & Responsibility
Studio 108 does not accept responsibility for students who do not follow the class instructions as provided by the teacher. Any medical or physical conditions, recent or persistent injuries, or relevant disclosures must be made by students to the teacher prior to the beginning of class. Prior to, during, or after class, it is the responsibility of students to inform the teacher if they are experiencing any pain or discomfort.
The use of Studio 108 facilities denotes the acceptance of the risk associated with all forms of physical exercise, both during and after.
Studio 108, including any staff, owners, managers, and directors, will not be held liable for: a) any injury or harm resulting in participation or use of facilities, and b) any damage to or loss of personal property.

Left Property
Studio 108 does not accept any responsibility for personal property left at the facilities. Left items will be kept for three weeks, at which point they will be donated to a charitable organisation.
Studio 108 reserves the right to change the terms & conditions as well as prices at any time. Significant changes will be indicated by notice on the Studio 108 website. If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact Studio 108.