Ji Ben Qi Gong (Live/online)
Monday, 15 July • 19:00 - 21:00
Studio MENG. Helmersstraat 109 A. Den Haag.
mattijs van katwijk
I love inspiring and motivating people to drench their awareness into their bodies. To start moving and to become still. To strengthen the connection to the world around us.
Ji Ben Qi Gong and Nei Gong foundations

In these trainings, we work on the fundamental principles of Qigong and the Nei Gong process. We focus on opening and restructuring the body, developing the proper conditions for cultivating the Dantian – the energy center in the abdomen – and activating, moving and calming our life energy.

Today, the physical and mental benefits of Qigong are widely recognized and appreciated in the West. Rooted in Daoist and Buddhist traditions, however, Qigong is an integral part of a much larger and deeper path of development: Nei Gong. Optimizing the efficiency of body and mind – as in the Yoga tradition – is an important key to connecting with Oneness.

Do not expect a new-age “flowing movement for harmony and gentle strength” in this training. Do expect a solid training with active stretches and challenging standing exercises (Wuji gong) and seated (mental) training.

In the weekly classes we focus, among other things, on a spirited sequence of basic Qi Gong: Ji Ben Qi Gong.
