🥳Happy Birthday Studio Seven6 Yoga Special $10 class 🔥Heated Yoga with Madison
Sunday, October 27 •
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Studio Seven6 Yoga
Madison Merkel
Meet Madison! She will be subbing classes and teaching occasionally on the weekends at Studio Seven6 Yoga.
Madison is a grad student and getting her MFA in Acting at UA. When she is not performing or teaching academic classes, she enjoys practicing yoga and has taught classes since 2020. A few fun facts about Madison is she is getting married in August and have a dog named Sophie.
Madison loves a heated yoga class and currently teaches at the UA Rec center.
It’s our 2nd birthday at Studio Seven6 Yoga and it’s at a special price, $10!
Meet Madison on the mat for Heated Yoga!
Temperature will be in the 80’s. Make sure you bring water and a towel.
She will move you through a vinyasa flow sure to challenge. You will challenge strength, balance, core, and mind. The best part of class is final resting pose where you are given a cool, wet, scented towel for your forehead.
Meet Madison on the mat for Heated Yoga!
Temperature will be in the 80’s. Make sure you bring water and a towel.
She will move you through a vinyasa flow sure to challenge. You will challenge strength, balance, core, and mind. The best part of class is final resting pose where you are given a cool, wet, scented towel for your forehead.