🔥Heated Yoga
Sunday, December 15 •
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Studio Seven6 Yoga
Madison Merkel
Meet Madison! She will be subbing classes and teaching occasionally on the weekends at Studio Seven6 Yoga.
Madison is a grad student and getting her MFA in Acting at UA. When she is not performing or teaching academic classes, she enjoys practicing yoga and has taught classes since 2020. A few fun facts about Madison is she is getting married in August and have a dog named Sophie.
Madison loves a heated yoga class and currently teaches at the UA Rec center.
20 spots available
Meet our instructor on the mat for Heated Yoga! The instructor will change from week to week so all instructors have the opportunity to teach this class.
Temperature will be in the 80’s. Make sure you bring water 💧 and a towel.
He/She will move you through a vinyasa flow. You will challenge strength, balance, core, and mind. The best part of class is final resting pose where you are given a cool, wet, scented towel for your forehead.
Temperature will be in the 80’s. Make sure you bring water 💧 and a towel.
He/She will move you through a vinyasa flow. You will challenge strength, balance, core, and mind. The best part of class is final resting pose where you are given a cool, wet, scented towel for your forehead.