Vinyasa with Chloe
Friday, 5 July • 18:30 - 19:30
Harriet Devaney
Harriet is owner of the studio, her dream is to create a space that is calming & peaceful, a place of non judgement of ourselves and others, somewhere you can come to completely switch off. Harriet has been a student of yoga since the age of 12 and always seeks out yoga in any country she travels too. Harriet is also qualified in YIN & Reiki.
Vinyasa is a type of yoga that links movement and breath to attain balance in the mind and body. From the Sanskrit “to place in a special way,” vinyasa aligns a deliberate sequence of poses with the breath to achieve a continuous flow. Inhalation is usually connected to upward, open movements, while exhalation is often tied to downward movements or twists.

This term can denote any of the following: The link between movement and breath, a yoga sequence that exemplifies this movement/breath connection, a class that focuses on this type of yoga or the act of setting an intention and taking steps to reach it.