Yin & Nidra with Stephanie
Sunday, 7 July • 17:30 - 19:00
Harriet Devaney
Harriet is owner of the studio, her dream is to create a space that is calming & peaceful, a place of non judgement of ourselves and others, somewhere you can come to completely switch off. Harriet has been a student of yoga since the age of 12 and always seeks out yoga in any country she travels too. Harriet is also qualified in YIN & Reiki.
In this yin and nidra class we will use the principles of Chinese medicine to hold each yin posture passively for a longer period of time, targeting deep connective tissue to allow pathways of Qi (energy) to move freely through the body whilst finding more flexibility and strength. We'll then move to a truly restorative yoga nidra (yogic sleep) practice which is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping induced by a guided meditation to find deep rest.
This class will help you to slow down and find stillness both internally and externally helping to reduce stress and anxiety whilst improving sleep.