
Monday, 18 November • 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM
Patti Mitchley
Patti's background in contemporary dance comes through in her graceful, flowing, feel-good classes and epic playlists. Connect to your body with mindful transitions and exploration within the postures, a dancing, moving meditation. Patti always makes you smile. Patti has been teaching community dance and movement practice in Raglan since 2003.
18 spots available


Broken Body Yoga. Yoga inspired stretching for guys. This session is designed for retuning overworked bodies. Guys with sport, life and work related strains and injuries who need to start the repair. So you can get back to doing what you really enjoy. This is blue collar style; so no chanting, no freaky music and no chimes. Sorry girls, this class is for guys only!