Hip Opening Waitlist

Tuesday, September 2 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Stephanie Ng


Our hip is one of the tightest areas in our bodies due to our modern lifestyle and long hours of desk-bound jobs. Activities like running, spinning and football make the hip tightness worse. When hips are tight or causing misalignment, it can have a big effect on our back, knees and even feet.

Engage in dynamic stretches, static holds and deep stretches in this class . Some static stretches are held longer to release tension. These practices help to improve the range of motion, flexibility and circulation in the hips. Some aspects and benefits of proper breathing and correct muscle engagement are also introduced.

This is a multi-levelled session as different variations of poses are given and props may be used. Beginners need not push deep into the stretches while regular practitioners can choose to push deeper into the stretches to enhance hip opening. Stretching to improve hip flexibility will also enhance your performance in advanced splits poses and other sports.