Urban Sol Yoga Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions
We are excited to have you join our community! The following terms and conditions govern your use of our yoga studio and community space located at 606 Hoffman Drive NW, Owatonna, MN.

By engaging in our classes, workshops, events, or utilizing any of our services, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Membership and Registration

To access our yoga studio and services, you must become a registered member by completing our registration process and providing accurate and up-to-date information.

You must be at least 18 years old to register and participate in our adult classes. Minors may participate in designated kids’ or family classes, accompanied by a legal guardian or with appropriate consent.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your membership information, including your login credentials, and any activities conducted under your account.

Health and Safety

Prior to participating in any yoga classes or services, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health and free from any medical conditions or physical limitations that may prevent your safe participation.

Consult with your physician or a qualified healthcare professional if you have any concerns or doubts about your ability to engage in physical activities, including yoga.

Follow the instructions of our instructors regarding warm-ups, postures, modifications, and other guidance to ensure your safety during classes.

Liability Waiver and Release

By participating in our yoga classes, workshops, events, or utilizing our services, you acknowledge and understand the inherent risks associated with physical activity and release Urban Sol Yoga, its owners, instructors, and staff from any liability for injuries, damages, or losses arising from your participation, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

You agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages that may occur during or after your participation in our classes or services.

Studio Policy and Safety Guidelines

Follow the instructions and guidance provided by the instructor during the class.

Do not enter or leave the class once it has started, unless it is an emergency. If you arrive late, please wait outside until the current meditation or relaxation period is over before joining the class.

Do not bring food or beverages (except for water in a closed container) into the studio, unless otherwise permitted.

Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others. Refrain from discussing or sharing personal information about other students or instructors.

Report any concerns, injuries, or incidents to the instructor or studio staff immediately.

Class Etiquette and Guidelines

Arrive at the studio at least 10 minutes before the scheduled class to allow for check-in, set up your mat, and settle in.

Please remove your shoes upon entering the studio and store them in the designated area.
Respect the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the studio.

Ensure that your cell phones and other electronic devices are switched off or set to silent mode during the class.

Maintain a peaceful and quiet atmosphere in the studio. Refrain from loud conversations or disruptive behavior that may disturb others.

Honor the space by keeping it clean and tidy. Return any props or equipment to their designated places after use.

For the comfort and respect of others, please refrain from wearing revealing or offensive attire.

Follow any additional studio rules or guidelines provided by our staff.

Class Reservations and Cancellations

Class reservations can be made through our website, or by contacting the studio directly. Walk-ins are also welcome, subject to availability.

We recommend reserving your spot in advance, especially for popular classes or during peak hours.
Cancellations must be made at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled class time to avoid penalties. Late cancellations or no-shows may result in a forfeiture of the class or additional charges.

For cancellations made within the specified time frame, we will refund your payment or credit it towards a future class, depending on your preference.

Cancellations by the studio: In rare circumstances, such as instructor unavailability or unforeseen events, we may need to cancel or reschedule a class or workshop. In such cases, we will provide a full refund or offer alternative options for attendance, as agreed upon by both parties.

Payment and Refunds

All classes, memberships, workshops, and other services must be paid for in accordance with our studio’s pricing and payment policies.

Payments can be made online, at the studio, or through authorized third-party platforms.

We may offer refunds or credits at our discretion, based on our studio’s refund policy and in compliance with applicable laws.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, content, and materials used in our yoga studio, are the property of Urban Sol Yoga.

You agree not to reproduce, distribute, modify, or use any intellectual property associated with Urban Sol Yoga without obtaining prior permission.