Caring for your pelvic and womb health while sitting 💫 Free
Victoria Bailey
October 25 2023 • Duration: 3 Minutes
Caring for your pelvic and womb health while sitting

💫Enhanced Breathing: Believe it or not, your pelvic position can impact your breathing. An anterior pelvic tilt allows full access of breath flow down to the pelvic tissue (IAP - there are more reels I have on this).

💫 Relieves Pelvic Pressure: An anterior pelvic tilt helps distribute the weight and pressure more evenly across your pelvis. As this opens up the cylinder of the intrinsic core. This reduces strain on the pelvic floor muscles, as it allows the muscles to relax, which can help prevent issues like incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

💫Alleviates Lower Back Pain: This posture also aligns your spine in a more natural curve, reducing the risk of lower back pain. It encourages a neutral spine position, which can be a game-changer for those who sit for extended periods.

💫 Bonus: Will help aid your digestion, which also has a HUGE impact on your pelvic and womb health.

So, next time you’re sitting, remember to tilt your pelvis slightly forward, and maintain a natural curve in your lower back.

Your pelvic health, lower back, and overall well-being will thank you! 🫶