General terms of Winwood Retreat Center

Welcome to Winwood. We are consciously bringing people back together in an environment promoting our highest potential and purpose. Please enter the grounds peacefully and quietly.
The driveway is a single lane road. Please be cautious and drive slow. Watch for oncoming cars. On site parking is located in the circle in front of the home. Please pull as far forward as possible and make room for cars to pull up close. Be conscious and be courteous to all participants at all retreat events, small group instruction, and individual services.
Enter the front door a few minutes before class. If you are running late, sometimes this happens, please enter quietly and courteously not to disrupt classes which will start on time.
For individual instruction there is a second set of double doors that normally will be used instead of the front door. Jennifer will recommend these doors at the time of your scheduled service.
Thank you for coming and thank you for making Winwood a place of consciousness for all.
Jennifer Lauren